Thursday, December 27, 2012

Cold Lunch project journal #26


Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce to you that I have reached the end of the first quarter of Cold Lunch, and it is now time for my second hiatus. Lol. I didn’t mean to take one so early in the first quarter, I prefer to wait till the end of each quarter to take a little break. But, last time I was running dangerously close to the end of my prewritten material on In the Morning Light. So, now comes time to decide what I’m going to do during the second hiatus, and I don’t know. I’ll worry about that tomorrow.

Anyway, I’m excited. I’m one-fourth of the way through my novel. Any writer of whatever will understand that this is an accomplishment, and for me it feels like a thousand times that. I don’t concentrate well, so sticking with something this long is a wonderful feeling. Sort of. Lol.

I was sitting there, and I hand write everything, and I was writing the chapter. It’s two-ish pages long (college ruled paper) and I flew through it. I felt it flow from me like water from a cleft rock, and I got to the end of the scene. I set down the notebook, and my first thought was ‘is that it?’ It felt like there should be more to it, like I should have put more effort into the scene, struggled more to get through it. But, I don’t know. I mean, I’ve read the scene, twice, and it’s got absolutely everything I needed for it to have in it. It’s very smoothly written, and felt like it was some of my best work writing it, but I don’t know.

I guess it might be where I was looking forward to the end of the first quarter, to the accomplishment, just getting that far. And, when I did it, I felt just like I did at the end of every other scene. No fireworks went off, there were no explosions, and millions of people didn’t proclaim their love for me. It was just the end of another scene, at the end of another day’s writing. And, putting the pen down, knowing I could have kept writing, could have kept going for another scene or two, but I also knew that I was going to stop working on it for the next week. It felt like I was abandoning it. But, rationally, I know that I’m going to come right back to it, and when I do, I’m going to work straight through to the end of the second quarter, putting me at the halfway point.

So, yeah, I think I’m rambling a bit.

Anywho, let’s go over the stats at the end of the first quarter:
                Cold Lunch: Part One
                Pages Written: 64
                Pages Typed: 118
                Number of Chapters: 23
                Total Word Count: 31,737

And, with that, I’m out of stuff to say today.

What achievement points do you find when working on your book?


Advertisement: Thinking about making a facebook page for myself. Think it might be nice for the ego.

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