Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Compulsively Obsessive

So, the fact that this post exists is proof of some minor transformation.

Only a difference of ten years. Maybe more, not sure.

 There hasn’t been a post on this page in over a year.

Let that sink in for a moment.

I’ve tried on and off for several years now. Since the mid 2000’s. Well, mid to late. And, every time I’ve been bad at it.

There’s no lying.

No need to cover it up.

I’m inconsistent when it comes to blogging (among other things).


That’s where the transformation part comes in.

I need to transform myself, to compel myself to become obsessive about follow through. I want to become obsessed with consistency.

I have a few tools that will help me follow that path.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals are at the top of that list, and as a great motivational coach the youtuber Elliot Hulse is going to be a fantastic helping hand..

So, dedication or a compulsion to obsessive behavior. I think both of them will work in the writer’s world. The title of the blog, after all, is A Writer’s Psychosis.

Anyway, to try and help with my consistency, I’m going to put forward a possible schedule.

Monday: since Man Crush Monday doesn’t work for me, I guess this will be a random topic day. Maybe, dunno.

Tuesday: Transformation Tuesday, probably going to be an update on the amount of work done with my current work in progress. Specifically comparing last week’s word count total to this weeks. Something like that.

Wednesday: This one will cover two potential topics.
1.  Woman Crush Wednesday, the topic here will be my lovely wife, maybe an actress or two, as well as fictional females.
2.  Work In Progress Wednesday, a topic where I will go about discussing things in my most recent story. What problems I might be having with it. So on and so forth.

Thursday: Throwback Thursday, maybe you’ll get an old picture of me. Maybe me reminiscing about “the good old days”. Or just me posting photos of old typewriters. Old editions o Dungeons and Dragons books will be on that list as well.

Friday: I don’t really know what the popular Friday thing is, but I’m going to use my own. Flash Fiction Friday. I will write an original piece of fiction totaling under 1,000 words.

Saturday: I don’t know. Again, I’m not sure what the popular thing for Saturday is. So, I’ll go ahead and say right out, Saturday is going to be one of those days that gets very few posts. When it will get a post it’s going to be Statistics Saturday. I’ll talk about my metrics over the last month, and other times it will be the RPG stats for my fictional characters, acting as though they were Dungeons and Dragons characters I’d be playing in a tabletop gaming session.

Sunday: Again, I don’t know what the popular Sunday thing is. So, I’ll be using another one of my invention. Short Story Sunday. It will be one of those posts that happens on occasion, and when it happens you’ll be treated to a short story. One I’ve previously published, or one written specifically for this. Not sure yet.

Other things to note: Tuesdays and Thursdays will also be the days where I post the chapters of my blogvel, when it’s ready to be published. I haven’t started working on it yet, so you’ll get a front row seat to the blogvels production. Or something like that.

Anyway, it’s actually Monday at 11pm, I’m going to wimp out and go to bed now.

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